This blog is written by:
Dr. Robert Eslinger, D.O., H.M.D.
Dr. Bob is a consulting physician with Reno Integrative, who brings an abundance of over 40 years of clinical and life experience.
It is very common these days to get almost continuous reinforcement of the idea that we have very little power to determine many different outcomes in our life.
We are encouraged to “follow the science” with the implied meaning that nothing other than the physical world has validity.
Nothing could be further from the truth!
In the early 1980’s, an orthodox psychiatrist whose physicist father had been an early researcher into psychic phenomena at Stanford University in California, was asked to become the director of the California Pacific Medical Center’s Complimentary Research Institute.
She wondered at that time whether it would be possible to design a study, according to strict scientific standards, that could prove (or not) if healing could be accomplished at a distance without any physical contact between healer and patient.
She decided to try it out on her patients with advanced AIDS, a group so destined to die that nothing other than hope and prayer was open to them anymore.
There had been some earlier research done showing that positive or negative thoughts and feelings could, in some way, be “sent” to and received by other living things.
The group of patients was divided in half with the control group not receiving any “treatments” other than conventional medical treatment of the time.
She eventually chose a group of 40 “healers” that included everything from Christians praying to God to Buddhists, to chakra balancers, to tone and color therapists. One was a Lakota Sioux shaman. They had an average of 17 years of experience and had had success at treating “hopeless” cases. They also all had to meet the requirement of believing that what they were doing was going to work.
Each healer “held an intention” for healing a particular patient for one hour per day for six days each week. Each patient was treated by every healer over the course of the whole study. The healers, of course, had no idea who the patients were that they were “treating”.
At the end of the study it was found that not only were the “treated” patients still alive but based on evaluation by an independent team of scientists and medical doctors they were healthier!
If you want to read more about this and much more, read the book The Field by Lynne McTaggart.
If you still believe that there is only “physical reality” revealed to us by our physical senses, you have more to learn.
You are FAR more powerful than you have been taught!