Molecular Hydrogen for Overall Health

Dr. Bob

This blog is written by:

Dr. Robert Eslinger, D.O., H.M.D.

Dr. Bob is a consulting physician with Reno Integrative, who brings an abundance of over 40 years of clinical and life experience.

Drinking or breathing enriched hydrogen water or air is becoming the latest way to not only enhance health but also appears to help eliminate many human ailments.


Currently, over 1000 worldwide studies are showing a broad range of benefits of regular inhaling and/or drinking enriched hydrogen air or water.


Hydrogen is the smallest molecule in existence and is involved directly or indirectly in every cell and every chemical process in the body.  It easily diffuses through all cell membranes (including the brain) and into all the inter-cellular spaces.


Free hydrogen does not exist in nature because it quickly combines with many other molecules.  We normally get hydrogen from our food.  It is released when our enzymes and gut bacteria break down (digest) our food and the hydrogen is immediately absorbed into the blood stream through the wall of the gut.


Scientific studies are showing that supplementing properly with enough of the correct ratio of hydrogen & oxygen will contribute to a 30-50% healthful life extension!


It has been shown to have a powerful antioxidant effect thereby reducing oxidative stress.  It also can reduce inflammation, improve metabolic function (thereby helping with obesity and diabetes), enhance athletic recovery and protect the brain from cognitive decline.


It also has been proven to prevent breaks in DNA strands and act as a novel signaling molecule that normalizes cell metabolism and gene expression.


There are even preliminary reports of it helping eliminate some tumors although no studies have been done to prove this yet.

All sound too good to be true?  Contact us here at Reno Integrative for more information.