High Dose Vitamin C Therapy

High Dose Vitamin C

is used to treat many different conditions in our clinic.  It was first introduced into wide spread use in the 1970’s by Linus Pauling, PhD.  


At first, he was laughed at by the medical establishment but subsequent studies have proven its value in addressing abroad range of disease conditions.

Sharing wisdom

Therapeutic Effects of
High Dose Vitamin C

  • High Dose Vitamin C  has an anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-cancer effect.  It is very important in preventing growing tumors from invading other tissue.
  • This is an excellent oxidative therapy. It accomplishes this by boosting the production of natural internal hydrogen peroxide.
  • High doses of Vitamin C also boost the body’s ability to produce interferon, another anti-cancer agent.
  • Vitamin C reduces the impact STRESS has on the immune system.
  • Vitamin C improves hemoglobin status and in turn the oxygen supply of tissue.
  • It has also been proven to be an important component in building new collagen tissue.  This is very important in healing trauma and re-building ligaments, tendons and cartilage.

Aside from having a direct killing effect on invading organisms and cancer cells, there is solid evidence that this vitamin is essential for peak functioning of the immune system. 
It is an excellent non-toxic way to deal with the “Flu Season”.  It is also a very important part of our protocol to treat other viral diseases such as hepatitis and shingles.  It has been found to stabilize the normal state of cells by reducing virus production and promoting synthesis of various proteins.
Well known for it’s anti-oxidant powers, only at high doses does it become an oxidate therapy.

IV Therapy

A treatment can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 5 hours, depending on the dosage.  This therapy is given intravenously in ranges from 30 grams to over 200 grams. 

Research has shown that in order for Vitamin C to be physiologically more available,  intravenous as opposed to oral is 7 times more effective.  IV infusion allows for a dose
20 times higher than could be tolerated orally to be administered to the patient. It is at this high level that Vitamin C is toxic to cancer cells but not to normal cells. 

This therapy does not have to be only for people with chronic disease, it can help to keep the body regulated and performing at a higher level of efficiency. Regular maintenance is well advised.

Modifying The Cancer Environment

Visit our Cancer Resources page to read this important and relative article about modifying the cancer environment.